An increasingly online world comes with an increased level of risk. By offering you security insurance for the potential dangers of cyberspace, you given added peace of mind in your digital lives.

Whether you are concerned about cyber extortion or cyberbullying, the impact of identity fraud or the financial loss of stolen credit card details, our global insurance distribution platform provides you with coverage for all kinds of cyberattacks.

With cyberattacks regularly hitting the headlines, you know there are risks involved with their online activity – and they’re aware of just how devastating an attack could be.

By making it simple for you to purchase personal cyber insurance from their favourite retailers and service providers, we help to fill the gap between what you want and what traditional insurers provide.

From identity theft and credit card fraud to extortion and online bullying, cybercrime comes in many forms. Our personal cyber insurance lets you select the coverage that’s right for your business or home, for customized insurance that has genuine value.

Our personal cyber insurance products provide coverage for:

  • Identity theft
  • Cyber extortion
  • Cyberbullying
